Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sock It To Me Bailey

We have a special needs dog. Bailey is a retriever/retreiver mongrel. She has allergies. She's chubby. She also seems to suffer from some sort of attachment disorder.

And now she has a licking addiction.

She licks at her paws. A sore forms. She licks at the sore. It gets worse. It's a vicious cycle. She goes to the vet Friday to find out for sure, but through the diagnostic power of the Internet, I'm betting on acral lick granuloma.

In the meantime, we've devised a nice scheme to keep her from attacking herself comprised of:
-one pad gauze
-ten feet of medical tape
-one tube sock
-two feet packing tape

Ain't she p'rdy in her nice white sock?

1 comment:

Revee said...

I love the sock idea! Lee wants to do the whole dog thing to me to keep me from biting my nails