Stuck in this kennel
The kennel so low
Hang your head low dear
Hear the dogs moan
Hear the dogs moan, dear
Hear the dogs moan.
Down in the kennel,
Hear the dogs moan.
Send me some Milkbones
Send them by mail
Address 'em all over
to Xena in Jail (x3)
Address 'em all over
to Xena in Jail
Played to the tune of Birmingham Jail
D7 = XX0212
G = 320003
Xena hurt her back. Could be a sprain or it could be the pooch equivalent to a slipped disk. Either way, she's not allowed to move much for four weeks so she's been incarcerated for the first time since she was a puppy.
In the meantime, I keep hearing her mutter under her breath about "when i get oughta this hole i'm gonna..." then she trails off into incomprehensible growling and snorting.
For the most part, she ignores her overly-excited, cobalt cell mate.